Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Seven Year Rule in Background Check

Criminal records are the ones that are likely to get in the way of a person’s employment.  That is why legislators have labored enough to create laws that provide fair treatment to those who had previous records that involve criminal convictions.  So there exists the so called seven year rule.  However, this can be more complicated than what it seems to be.  Even though the crime happened more than seven years ago, say it is the time when he was in the custody for seven years that would most likely appear in the records.  In some case, a person may have been given a parole or probation for a crime he committed ten years ago, but within that period he had also spent a day in custody for a violation, and the seven year count, begins all over.  This will also appear on the record and in his application.  Not all states follow the rules. Some states do not have an exemption and as a result, criminal records shown during background check will inevitably affect a person’s employment and not just that, it will also affect the person’s credit ratings.  At times, the seven year rule may not be applicable especially when it comes to a person’s income level, like for example if an applicant has an annual income of $20,000.  But some states do not have any exemptions and the seven year rule still applies regardless of the income.  Seven year rule may not always be applicable and lacks the proper definitions. 

1 comment:

  1. i know another way to eliminate once criminal record, this is what you called criminal records expungement.
