Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Memory Foam Beds Properties

The most common domestic use of memory foam is mattresses, pillows and mattress toppers.  It is also commonly used in medical facilities like wheelchair seat cushions, hospital bed padding for persons suffering from long term pain or postural problems and bed pillows.  For patients with postural problems, memory foam cervical pillow may lessen chronic neck pain while the memory foam beds have heat retaining properties that help patients suffering from pain who find the added warmth comforting and decrease the pain they felt.   Usually, memory foam mattress is denser as compared to other foam mattresses and that makes it more supportive but heavier.  It has an open-cell structure that reacts to body heat and weight by molding to your body, preventing pressure sores and helping relieve pressure points. Memory foam mattresses are considered as non-traditional mattress and often times, it is considered as a good compromise among the comfort of firm foam or of a soft mattress.  In determining the comfort of the foam, the property of firmness, either it hard of soft is being used.  Indentation force deflection rating or IFD is used to measure the firmness of foam but, it is not an accurate measure on soft and firm.  Foam with higher IFD or indentation force deflection and with a lower density can feel soft and compressed.  A high-density mattress will have better compression ratings over the life of the bedding and the lower density sill most likely have a shorter lifespan due to the compression happening after repeated use.

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